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Thomann Thomann

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26/02/2019 10:44:01

Is it the same as playing adults and dolls?

Some adults like to treat the reborn baby 's Dutch wife highest grade as a real baby.

These dolls can become real art works - it is so realistic that you need to recognize that they accept them or they are not breathing.

In the long run, TPE love doll must have changed for the first time to etch ivory. Things finally called. After all, these dolls create and transform the way they are made today, they see, but society also tolerates their way.


I have been collecting dolls for more than 30 years, but I even even do puppet play with actual strollers, but only a few "strange" people. Whether the lines between the doll and the actual newborn cross in their heads, and they do not know how to get back to reality. In any case, I can not mention it to them. If they did not hurt anyone, that is none of my work.

I heard this news from other dealers. She raised the shirt and bred breastfeeding animated love doll, so she was asked to leave a show in a puppet show (this is an old woman), BTW). As you can imagine, it makes other participants and dealers very uncomfortable. The actual mother was breastfeeding a real baby in the previous show, and no one looks at them. But breastfeeding dolls are only a big step.

Silicone dolls contrast with costs, reflecting the nature of love dolls. Item with lower item cost. They are excited for joy, they are the most famous love dolls that can be found in various shops. They legally form legs and hands, glass eyes using the same contour as the human body model, and most of them are also wigs. It is on the top of the value band, but some of them contain a bottom filled with water and breasts. They can redesign various clothes and wigs to suit your taste.

Nobody takes too much age for real doll mail order.

I am 51 years old and gathered dolls for almost 30 years. I was playing with them until the age of 13, and like most other ages, I was told that I should be "older" for them. I reluctantly took my doll away, but I was still aware and liked dolls. My passion for the collection of dolls has rekindled at the age of 22 and since that I have been actively collecting. They make me happy. They have not collected them, but my family also like to see my dolls.


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